Geneva® by SS&C Advent
Only the fittest will survive
Fund administration is an increasingly technology-oriented industry. Creating a profitable business with a sustainable long-term future in the face of rising service expectations, compliance strictures, competition and margin pressures will only be possible with an efficient, flexible, functionality-rich infrastructure.
Support business growth for the future
SS&C Advent’s award-winning Geneva® platform is the go-to solution for fund administrators globally. Providing comprehensive portfolio management, accounting and reporting capabilities, this state-of-the-art, integrated system maximises your technology ROI.
Users can boost internal processing efficiencies, control costs, reduce risks, and equip their clients with timely, accurate data to help them make better informed decisions. Designed to support any investment within any structure for any region in the world, Geneva® gives you the flexibility to diversify and grow your business, while ensuring you always deliver industry-leading service.

Geneva® and its ecosystem of complementary automated solutions can be locally deployed or cloud delivered.
And by taking advantage of Advent Outsourcing Services’ managed service support, fund administrators can further ease their middle- and back-office burdens.
With Geneva® you will benefit from:
Support for multiple fund structures to manage complex, global strategies.
Integrated general ledger database to ensure integrity and timeliness of accounting data.
Integrated portfolio management and investor accounting for complete transparency.
Complete trade lifecycle management.
Comprehensive instrument coverage.
Real-time portfolio accounting and reporting.
Limitless scalability.
On-premise or cloud deployment options.