Firms are recognising the gap between what they could be doing to differentiate their services, and what they are doing.
How to close that gap?
With technology.
The 2022 Tech & Ops Trends in Wealth Management Report shows that many firms are ramping up their technology spend over the next three years.
Firms surveyed expect to increase their spend by 2025
Firms could be spending as much as a tenth (or more) of their revenues on technology investments before long
To what end?
The drivers of technology investments are “numerous and compelling”, but the report finds that firms are focused on two areas:
1. Efficiencies
2. Mitigating the compliance, financial and reputational risks associated with manual processes and disjointed workflows
Regard technology as either an extremely or very important means of reducing costs and risks.
Fundamental enhancements are required to address these objectives and overcome barriers, across the breadth of investment management workflow.
Mastering data, a powerful differentiator
At the root of many efficiency and risk challenges firm-wide, lies a lack of useful data.
For any firm to pull away from the pack, they must empower their operations with data and insights. Using the SS&C Advent Investment Suite, firms have the data they need, when they need it, fully customized, to help them make more informed business decisions and work at scale.
When you operate from one “source of truth”, you can leverage it to achieve deep, efficient personalisation, and more.
Average self-score when firms asked to rate the reliability, timeliness and accessibility of data at their organisation.
Integrated, consistent portfolio and client data for better CRM
Custodian, broker, and counterparty data, connected and reconciled
Seamless integration with leading market data
Improved data accuracy and speed in daily reconciliation
Easy management of mandatory data to meet increasing regulatory pressure from domestic and multi-jurisdictional regulators
Introducing automation,
data’s clever cousin
Firms know they need to do more to automate for cost saving and for scalability, especially in portfolio management.
On average, institutions are only 58% progressed on maximising automation in portfolio construction and rebalancing

How to unlock the automation advantage and offer something truly differentiated in marketing and client acquisition?
How to develop a new model of client relationship management, business development, and investor communication, that satisfies clients’ rising expectations for digital experiences?

According to KPMG UK’s Bill Packman, machine learning and AI can achieve “truly remarkable wealth advisory enhancements, customised portfolio offerings, and proactive customer-service features”.
Investment Suite harnesses these technologies to offer portfolio construction and modelling tools that support advanced asset allocation methodologies and complex modeling structures. They can enable streamlined, scalable rebalancing of thousands of accounts against models in minutes.
These solutions centralise and automate administrative roles and reduce administrative burden on advisers. They can:
Save time and enhance productivity in period-end reporting processes through automated report packaging.
Streamline back-office workflow processes to improve accuracy, reduce the risk of manual errors and free up staff for more productive activity.
Automate invoice production and debit letters.
Automate monitoring of trades and portfolios and make it easier to adhere to regulatory requirements, client directives, and firm policies.
Integrating ESG into operations and services
$53 trillion+
Predicted ESG assets under management globally by 2025
Not even half of firms have fully embedded
ESG frameworks into their investment processes
ESG might be the new normal in investing, and a priority for wooing younger investors, but firms have been slow to exploit technology that could enable ESG capabilities.
With feeds coming from multiple specialist data providers, and increasing demand for transparent, standardised, granular data sets, firms face significant ESG data management issues.
However, when looking for fixes, firms shouldn’t be considering ESG-only solutions. The ultimate goal should be to fully integrate ESG services and credentials into existing operations and services.
In fact, future technology spends need to drive towards one complete solution, a truly transformative program enabling all the firm’s needs – front, middle and back – from a single platform.
One platform for front, middle, back
SS&C Advent Investment Suite is the complete solution for investment managers, with software, data and services to power investment management forward.
Customisable to your firm’s unique front-to-back office setup, Investment Suite is linked by dashboards that streamline workflows and enhance productivity at the firm level.
Staff and clients enjoy total visibility from portfolio modelling through trade creation, execution, confirmation, allocation, and settlement. Solutions mitigate operational risk, improve communication and collaboration. It’s the logical path for firms ready to embrace digitisation, stimulate growth, profitability and new opportunities.
Download the 2022 Tech & Ops Trends in Wealth Management Report and find more about SS&C Advent Investment Suite.
To close the gap, there is no alternative.
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About the SS&C Advent Investment Suite
Streamline your front-to-back office workflows with the Advent Investment Suite, the fully integrated investment management solution. Optimised for scalability and growth, the Advent Investment Suite is your end-to-end solution for portfolio management, trading and operations.